Environmental Policies | 蔵町工業株式会社

Kuramachi Corporation Environmental Policies

Kuramachi Corporation has established and operated ISO 14001(environmental managment system) certification in 2009.

Since our internal awareness of environmental activities sufficiently enough, we have returned certification in 2017.

Kuramachi Corporation keeps the following environmental policies on the purchase and distribution of chemical products and actively carries out corporate activities with due consideration for the environment, based on the recognition that global environmental protection is one of the most important issues common to all mankind.

1. Distribution of safe and environmentally-friendly products

We will make every effort to collect environmental and safety information related to the chemicals, resins and other products we distribute and propose ideas and methods to users and manufacturers of such products to minimize the environmental load resulting from their production and use.

We will also appropriately provide safety information on the products we distribute.

2. Conservation of energy and resources

We will set, promote and regularly review energy and resource conservation targets.
We will provide our suppliers and customers with information on products and logistics with consideration for energy and resource conservation to promote the use of such products and logistics.

We will also make efforts within our own corporate activities to conserve energy and resources.

3. Compliance with statutory and other requirements

We will comply with all statutory requirements imposed by laws, ordinances and other regulations on environmental protection as well as other requirements that we agree to comply with.

4. Employee awareness education

All members of the company from top management to employees will work to raise our environmental awareness, recognize our responsibilities and strive to live up to the trust and expectations from society.

November 20, 2017
Shuji Kuramachi
Representative Director and President,
Kuramachi Corporation


Please feel free to contact us about anything including consultation and questions.