Privacy Policy | 蔵町工業株式会社
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Kuramachi Corporation (hereinafter “the Company”) handles the customers personal information when providing services.
The Company works hard to protect personal information so we can provide our customers with an even higher level of reliability and peace of mind.
The Company strictly adheres to laws and regulations pertaining to personal information and handles all personal information in a proper manner.

Obtaining personal information

The Company obtains personal information through proper means without fabrication or other dishonest methods. Information may be collected within the necessary range in the following cases.

1. When making inquiries
2. When applying for employment

Using personal information

The Company uses personal information in the necessary range to achieve the following purposes.
When using personal information for a purpose not listed below, we will obtain consent from the applicable person beforehand.

1. When contacting to respond to inquiries
2. When contacting about employment applications

Safe management of personal information

The Company takes necessary and proper measures to prevent divulgence, loss or damage to personal information as well as to manage it in a safe manner.

When commissioning a third party to handle all or some of the personal information

The Company will carry out a strict screening of the third party and carry out necessary and proper supervision of the third party so that the entrusted personal information is managed in a safe manner.

Providing personal information to third parties

The Company will not provide personal information to a third party without prior consent from the applicable person excluding cases stipulated by laws such as the Personal Information Protection Law.

Disclosing and revising, etc. of personal information

The Company will immediately disclose personal information when there is a request to disclose the personal information from the owner of the personal information. When this happens, we will not disclose personal information if we cannot confirm the identity of the personal information’s owner.
When there is a mistake in the personal information and the owner requests revisions, additions or deletions, we will meet these requests immediately after an investigation. When this happens, we will not meet the request if we cannot confirm the identity of the personal information’s owner.
If you would like to make a request listed above, have a question or want to know anything else about our handling of personal information, please contact us at the contact information listed below.

Contact information

Name:Kuramachi Corporation
Address:12th floor, 2-105, Kanda-Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0063
Phone number+81-3-6384-0006

Other important information

Third party sites and services linked by means such as content operated by the Company or advertisements have regulations on protecting personal information and collecting data separate from the Company. This site has absolutely no obligations or responsibilities for these regulations and activities.

Continual improvements to managing of personal information

The Company reviews personal information management methods and carries out improvements on a continual basis.

Changes to this policy

There may be changes to the information in this policy. The policy after the changes are made comes into effect the time it is listed on the website excluding cases designated separately by the Company.